Senior Developer with extensive experience in both front-end and back-end technologies.
I specialize in ReactJs,
NextJs, and
for developing scalable and efficient applications.
My background includes working in diverse domains such as AI, logistics, and employment services.
I have a proven track record of delivering high-quality projects on time and within budget. I am passionate about technology and always eager to learn and innovate.
Proven track record of working effectively in team environments, delivering complex projects, and leading development initiatives. My technical expertise is complemented by skills in NodeJs, C#, and .Net. Passionate about AI and technology projects, I am always eager to learn and innovate.
Work Experience
Senior Frontend DeveloperDebite.ioApr 2022 - ....
At Debite, I focused on developing and maintaining high-performance web applications using ReactJs, NextJs, and TypeScript. I led the development of shared components, implemented server-side rendering for improved SEO and performance, and collaborated closely with cross-functional teams to ensure seamless integration and delivery of new features.
Key Qualifications & Responsibilities
- Developing Front End projects with ReactJs, NextJs and TypeScript.
- Be able to implementation new technologies.
- Using TailwindCss for style.
Key Achievements
- Developing NextJs and Typescript project.
- Generate shared components.
- Using server side rendering.
- Using expressjs (nodejs framework) for gateways.
Tech Details
- Javascript, ReactJs, NextJs, NodeJs, Tailwind, Agile, Kanban
Senior Software DeveloperKariyer.NetOct 2021 - Apr 2022 started a new project called 'HrVenue'. It helps to async interviews. Candidates can record
themselves while answering questions asked by HR. I took part in the HrVenue project as a full-stack developer.
Key Qualifications & Responsibilities
- Developing .net projects with using C#, .Net 5 or above, CQRS & Mediatr (Mediator Pattern), DDD (Domain
Drivin Design) and Nodejs.
- Worked with cloud services. (Azure)
- Be able to implementation new technologies.
- Being part of agile scrum team.
- Working with databases both Sql and NoSql such as MsSql,MongoDB,Postgresql.
- Creating CI/CD pipeline for ready to production.
Key Achievements
- Developing back end services with following Mediator Pattern & CQRS and Domain Driven Design (DDD)
- Developing javascript projects
- with Nextjs => UI project with SSR and react hooks
- with Nodejs => Backend project with Fastify and Mongodb
- Creating and managing CI/CD pipelines.
Tech Details
- .Net Framework, .Net 5, CQRS, DDD, Mediator Pattern
- Javascript, ReactJs, NextJs, Nodejs, Fastify, Tailwind, Scrum, Agile
- MsSql, MongoDb, Postgresql, Azure DevOps, Code Review, Sentry, New Relic
Software Engineering SpecialistKariyer.NetJun 2018 - Sep 2020 is a company serving in employment sector. People can look for jobs with using filters or companies
can reach
eligible candidate also using extended filter system. I was part of Application Tracking System team as a back
Key Qualifications & Responsibilities
- Developing .net rest services using C#, Net Core, OOP, MEF and maintaining live applications.
- Be able to implementation new technologies.
- Being part of self-organized scrum team with 10 people.
- Working with distributed cache systems like Redis and well-known stateless applications.
- Working with Elastic Search and other nosql databases.
- Deployment pipeline maintenance. Monitoring live systems.
- Working with at least 2 different sql database technologies. (Mssql - Postgresql)
- Work with queue technologies like RabbitMq, Kafka.
Key Achievements
- Take a responsibility in microservices transformation.
- Be part of migration team member which transforms to new version of ATS.
- Improvements in CI/CD bash commands.
- Improving query optimization for Elasticsearch.
- Increasing code quality and maintenance.
Tech Details
- .Net Framework, .Net Core, Distributed architecture, Mssql, Postgresql.
- Redis, Elastic Search, NewRelic, Sonarqube, Jenkins, Octopus
- Dependency injection(MEF), Sentry, Nodejs, TDD, DDD, N-Tier Architecture, N-Layer Architecture, RabbitMq,
Kafka, Code Reviews
Software Engineering SpecialistImprodeSep 2016 - Jun 2018
Improde is a company serving in the construction industry. I took full stack developer role in
"" project. This project can detect illegal construction and can show results with 3D model
using Cesium. In B2C side, users need to pay for seeing that results.
Key Qualifications & Responsibilities
- Developing full-stack web applications in .net framework using C#, OOP and Javascript.
- Learning new frameworks and technologies including GeoServer and Jetty.
- Working with several database systems. (MsSql - PostgreSql) Using geometry types in database.
- Developing rest services for external integrations.
- Deployment and maintenance servers.
- Business management with kanban.
Key Achievements
- Developed a project N-Tier Architecture which has 2 different presentation project.
- Created user friendly B2C project using Javascript ES5, Jquery, Bootstrap.
- Also with using these libraries, created B2B project with N-Layer architecture.
- Developed a Map Page for showing results in different types. For some cases map need to turn from 2D to 3D
view. Thats for, software also needs to calculate altitude of geometry's(Z Coordinate).
- Deployment to live and maintenance server.
Tech Details
- .Net Framework, C#, Soap, Rest, MsSql, MySql, Postgresql, IIS
- MVC, OOP, Solid Principles, Javascript, Jquery, AngularJs, CesiumJs, Openlayers
- Git, N-Tier Architecture, N-Layer Architecture, Postman, Trello
Software EngineeringXeus MediaOct 2015 - Sep 2016
Xeus Media Technology is a company serving in the broadcasting sector. Has multiple products like Playout,
Generator) or Scheduler etc. I took part of recreating existing software.
Key Qualifications & Responsibilities
- Developed full-stack web and backoffice applications.
- Distributed softwares which uses TCP/IP for communication.
- Maintenance local network.
- Liaised with new developers and director as needed.
- Working with several database systems. (Mssql - Mysql).
Key Achievements
- Created a web client works with TCP/IP and Signalr.
- Created an Android client works with TCP/IP with Java.
- Created Character Generator project which has using like Photoshop with using WPF.
I choose WPF because of customizable user interface.
- Created POC with Xamarin.
Tech Details
- .Net Framework, Windows Application, .Net WCF, .Net WPF, MsSql, MySql
- MVC, OOP, Javascript, Jquery, AngularJs, TFS, Trello
- TCP/IP, LAN, Signalr, Java, Xamarin.
Software EngineeringWttechFeb 2014 - Sep 2015
Wttech is a company which selling online flight tickets. Designing B2C and B2B structure from the beginning and
developing financial infrastructure. I had joined in a team when they started coding of new version. Project
created by
following N-Tier architecture. I took part in B2B and B2C projects.
Key Qualifications & Responsibilities
- Developed full-stack web and windows applications.
- Deployments of projects and maintenance of servers.
- Manage and profile web site with IIS.
- Help database structure and management.
Key Achievements
- Developed a integration between IT and accounting platforms.
- Developed a payment microservice which works with all banks. Microservice uses same database with main
Tech Details
- .Net Framework, .C#, .Net MVC, N-Tier Architecture, Windows Application, .Net WCF, MsSql
- Web Forms, MVC, OOP, Javascript, Jquery, TFS, Jira, Kanban
- IIS, Windows Server
InternTurk TelekomSep 2010 - Jun 2010
Turk Telekom is biggest telecommunication company in Turkey.
Key Qualifications & Responsibilities
- Maintenance for local network.
- Repairing broken computers.
- Created small windows application for managing accounting.
Kuryem Web + Cloud + Mobile 2020
Kuryem is a new generation smart logistics chain that brings together registered couriers and individual or
senders. Chose send and receiver addresses, package and courier type. After payment, a registered courier will
your package. After a successfully delivery, courier gets its share.
Project has;
- 1 web client written by VueJs for users can use
- 1 mobile app written by React Native with Expo for users
- 1 mobile app written by React Native with Expo for couriers can use
- 1 management panel written by ReactJs for admin users,
- 9 backend services written by Javascript
Key Achievements
- All backend and web projects works in AWS Lambda Functions. For CI/CD, i used Serverless Framework.
- I used NodeJs, Pipeline Pattern, DDD, Fastify, Sentry, Github, Custom Packages for backend services.
- I grouped similar domains in to a project. For common helpers and services, i created a github package. With
this, i can
create or modify so easly my services.
- AWS DocumentDb for database. Works with multiple environment.
- We used Expo for the conveniences that gives us. HotReload, Mobile Debugging, Notification, Location etc.
- In mobile apps, Redux helped us to state management.
- In management panel, admin users can update any data or calculation types. For if needed, user can refund or
payments. There are 3 different reports for monitoring system status.
Tech Details
- Javascript, NodeJs, ReactJs, React Native, VueJs, MongoDb, DocumentDb
- AWS Services, AWS Lambda, AWS Api Gateway, AWS DocumentDb, AWS DynamoDb, AWS CloudFront
- Expo, Redux, Serverless Framework, App Store, Google Play, Trello, Docker, Heroku, YAML, Serverless
- Fastify, Sentry, CORS, JWT, OOP, DDD, Generic Repository
BiSesVar Application 2017
BisesVar is a mobile app created with apache cordova. It connects with a backend also written by me.
It stores some sounds, voice records from famous people. Users can listen or share that sounds. App also
contains advanced filter options.
- Apache Cordova, Javascript ES5, Framework 7, Ajax Control Toolkit
- .Net, C#, .Net MVC, .Net Web Forms
Character Generator Application 2016 @XeusMedia
Character Generator (CG) is a windows application written using with WPF by me. I choose WPF for advanced user
UI. CG applications needs to advanced work zone like Photoshop. Users can drag and drop items like label, crawl
animation, logo or timer etc. from item explorer to work zone. Application will send all changes to
server using
with TCP/IP.
I also write core service which this CG app connects with TCP/IP.
- .Net Framework, C#, WPF, OOP.
- TCP/IP, UDP, XML, Xamarin.
Management Information SystemsAnadolu University2017 - ....
Bachelor's Degree. Distance education.
Computer ProgrammingSakarya University2012 - 2014
Associate's Degree. I learned algorithm, data management systems. I was also working while going to school.
(backend): C#.Net, MVC, NodeJs, PHP, ASP
(frontend): ReactJs, VueJs, Jquery
(other): React Native, TypeScript
Git, GeoServer, AWS Cloud Services, Serverless, Expo